Hello, I’m Dan Schwalbe. I was inducted into the Minnesota Blues Hall of Fame in 2012. I’ve been playing the Blues in the Twin Cities for a very long time. I see no reason to stop now so I’m not going to. 

I have performed and/or recorded with Blues DeLuxe, RJ Mischo, Mojo Buford, Lazy Bill Lucas, Baby Doo Caston, Sunnyland Slim, Snooky Prior, Billy Boy Arnold, The Scotty Reed Band, Sonny Rogers, Percy Strother, Rockin' Daddy & The Rough Cuts, Texas Red, Cool Disposition, The Blues Kings, Lynwood Slim, Hurricane Harold's All Star Blues Revue, Big Ben Eaton, Javier & The Innocent Sons, The Stella Vees, Boom Boom Steve V and the Knockouts, The Gang Of Mischief, Schwalbe and Wibben, Schwalbe and Boyles, The Connor McCrea Trio, Pat Donahue, The Paul Barry Blues Band, and many others. 

I'm looking forward to 2024 and the Summer festival season!

Onward & upward!


Back to work. 

I have recovered enough to get back to work. My arm is still sore and I have a weight restriction but I can play. I’ve had three shows since being cleared to work. It feels great to be back at it. I’m a little rusty both physically and mentally but everyone at the shows says I sound good as ever. That’s encouraging. Still, after shows Thursday and Friday I’m sore and tired. It’s a good feeling.

Getting better  

My first gig back went quite well.

PT is going well. My range of motion is improving.

I’ll be at the MMC on March 7, 7 to 10 PM and at the Schooner March 8 to 11:30. It’s great to be back.


This past Monday the surgeon said I no longer need a sling. It’s good to be rid of that. He seemed quite pleased with the progress of my recovery.

I’m two sessions into physical therapy. My shoulder aches as I work through range of motion exercises. I’m restricted to lifting one pound maximum on my right arm until the therapist says otherwise.

I’m back to guitar  work starting February 25th at The Dubliner. Then March 8th with the All Star Revue at the Schooner.  It will be great to be back at it.
There are scattered dates throughout the Spring and Summer and I’m hoping more dates come in. I’m especially looking forward to shows with The Stella Vees in late July.

Update December 17, 2023 

Surgery went well. I'm four days into recovery and my damn shoulder hurts. I can't do much with one arm so lots of TV and YouTube. I can finger a guitar neck with my left hand so maybe I won't have too far to go once they take the sling off. That will happen in early January and we'll go from there. 

More trouble - taking some time off. 

This Autumn I feel off a ladder while doing maintenance on my home. I tore my right rotator cuff. This will require surgery and several weeks or months for recovery. I hope, optimistically, to be back in the guitar chair sometime in February.

I know a few people who've been told by their doctors that recovery can take 6 months to a year. I don't know anyone who has had this lengthy of a recovery.

I also know people who have been back to their daily routine in 6 to 8 weeks. I'm accentuating the positive.

BTW I have no idea why this website shows a published date of May 2023.


Date Event Location
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN
 —  — Tremblay, Otto, and Schwalbe Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN Dubliner Pub, St. Paul MN


For bookings, jobbing dates, or session work, please contact me at:


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